attention all mommies and mommies to be.. i would like to know what you ladies kept/keep in your baby bag and what to take in a baby bag on your way to delivery. im approaching my due date and want to prepare for my baby bag. also another thing, diapers. cloth after much research ive decided that im going to use disposables and here are my reasons why disposables are better for me.
1. more hygenic and clean up friendly
2. easy to use
3. you can buy environmentily friendly ones.
4. you can change them more often
5. you dont have to worry about cleaning poop.
6. you can find totally cute ones now with winnie the pooh detailing.
7. hubby is happy with disposables so thats a bonus.
so what brand diapers do you use? here in australia we dont have pampers, we have huggies..
any feed back would be great!
I honestly wouldn't bring more than an outfit for baby's trip home from the hospital and a receiving blanket or larger blanket if it could be cold. An outfit with a hat is a good idea for a newborn even if its pretty warm. At least here in the states they send you home with a few wipes and newborn diapers, so I wouldn't bother bringing those to the hospital with you.
For myself, I wore a tanktop and sweatpants during labor, but took the pants off when I got into the waterbirth tub. I had other pajamas to wear for the day I had to stay in the hospital and brought a cute skirt and shirt to wear on my way home.
Since my daughter was breastfed, I usually only carried a couple diapers and an extra outfit in my regular purse and snacks when she got older. Good luck with everything!
You need to check with your hospital what they provide and what they don't. If you're unsure, you should probably bring:
-couple onesies
-a baby hat
-fancier outfit for leaving hospital
-weather appropriate accessory if needed (maybe a very thin something to veil the baby from the sun to put over the car seat or if it's cooler a good blankie)
-do NOT pack a pacifier because you'll be tempted to use it at some point and there's a good chance it will interfere with breastfeeding success. Wait 2 weeks minimum.
- gown that you can move freely in and that allows access to the boob to birth in and have skin to skin contact and breastfeed right after birth
- snack (but you might want to hide it in case they prevent you from eating while birthing) and more food for after the birth, you'll be famished.
- pyjama for the stay at the hospital
- extra undies
- outfit to leave the hospital
- shampoo, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush
That's the basic list for basic needs.
I use Pampers for my baby and I just flat-out prefer them than Huggies.
Onto my diaper bag for outings after the birth.
When he was a newborn, I kept:
-diapers and wipes
-2 receiving blankets or more (to cover myself when breastfeeding in public, to use as a diaper changing pad, to use as a burpcloth, to use as a blankie, to cover from sun...)
-at least 2 full changes of clothes (like one outfit and one pyjama but the first month, even more than that, they can spit up on 3 outfits in the span of 1h)
My favourite and most essential baby item was the muslin swaddles by aden+anais. Something similar must exist in other brands though. As far as I know, the owner is Australian but not based there at the moment so you might get a better deal on something similar that is based in Australia.
Basically, it's a large (120cm by 120cm) and thin blankie. I used this for all the uses I wrote up there for receiving blanket. It's breathable too so you don't have to live in constant fear that your baby will suffocate with his blanket while sleeping or will not be able to breathe if you use it as a sunshade over a stroller.
Here they are:
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