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Just your average 20 something young mum, muslimah love my family.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Whats in my Purse/Bag Tag

Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah sisters, today Im in the mood for a whats in my purse tag, al hamdulilah. Im not tagged by anyone though, its just a post I've really wanted to do so here it is :p


So heres my bag, its a kim Kardashian Bag.. I Love it SO MUCH! its the perfect size and fits everything, and it also has three hand straps, short one, middle sized and a long one so you can hang it on your pram. I hang mine in my pram as pictured, and i try to use it sparingly because i want to keep it in good condition, so I use this on occasion, not everyday.

And heres whats in my purse.. a blanket, umberella, wallet, nappies, toys, another summer blanket, an extra shirt/top, a singlet for baby, a bib, water and a hair clip. Oh and I dont know why, but when I downloaded the pic on my pc, it cut out the rest of the pic which had some stuff pictured, including a packet of baby wipes, and keys. =D *edited* a container of home made baby food, usually pureed pumpkin/sweet potato zuchinni and carrots.

SO thats whats in my purse hehe..

Feel free to do your own taggie wagg.. hehe.

Wasalamu Alaikum ya ukhteez =D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey your purse is cute and very full :)
I started something similar, I want to introduce other Muslim bloggers on my blog as I will be busy soon: I am having my daughter :)
I would be happy if you want to participate. I like your blog!
Especially since I am pregnant I like to check out what you write about your son. :)
Have a nice day, Salam